Music Monday – “For here am I sitting in a tin can/Far above the world/Planet Earth is blue/And there’s nothing I can do”

Canadian astronaut, Col. Chris Hadfield’s final message from the International Space Station before returning to earth after five months in space is quite fitting (and has already gone viral like so much of the other content he’s provided.  One great example – a geography teacher at a Nova Scotia Community College created a cool Google Maps mash-up which allows you to see all of the numerous cool photos Hadfield took from space.)

Hadfield has probably done more to make space cool than anyone in recent memory.  Here’s a great comment from the MetaFilter thread about Hadfield:

I’ve been following Chris Hadfield’s posts for months now. He is so kind and gentle, like a favourite teacher, like a character from a kids book, the one that teaches you to work hard and follow your dreams. It’s kind of hard these days to believe anyone could be so genuine and sincere, but he is. And he is so so so achingly Canadian, the distillation of everything we all hope to be, humble and mild-mannered but still proud to be doing our part to make the world a better place. Wearing the maple leaf on his sleeve, the best kind of Canadian hero, one who achieves global recognition without having to claw or fight his way to the top or turn his back on his provincial roots, still charming and trusting, and even eager and proud to bring all of us along for the ride.

This is a great poster inspired by Hadfield’s story that should be posted in every classroom in the country.

(via MetaFilter)

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