The Single Coolest Piece of News to Hit Librarianship Ever

As a profession, librarians constantly struggle with the fact that we aren't exactly regarded as a “cool” profession.  (Man, there are times I miss working in publishing – a life full  of wine & cheese parties and awards banquets, I tell you!) 

Sure, librarians are trying to update their image – getting articles in the NYT about how cutting-edge we are with technology, how kick-ass we are about social justice and just how hip we are in general.  

But really, that's the New York Times.  They're about as far from defining trends as your great aunt Martha. 

Who better to validate the profession if you want to be truly cool then perhaps the coolest motherfucker to ever live?

Quoth the Keef:

“He has declared: “When you are growing up there are two institutional
places that affect you most powerfully: the church, which belongs to
God, and the public library, which belongs to you. The public library
is a great equaliser.””

(via Steph H. on Facebook)

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