Some Pace Cuteness – Soundbite Edition

I told this one on Facebook but I don't think I put it on the blog.  A few nights ago Pace was throwing toys so I gave him a time-out in his room.  Then we hear his little voice: “Mom – backpack!”  Shea goes in to see what he means and gives him the backpack hanging on his door.  “Mom – door!” He wants to go out the front door?!?   Hmm, let's see where this is going.  Shea follows him out and says: “Mom – bus stop!”  

Yep, our two and a half has decided to run away for the first time (although in retrospect, we wondered if he wasn't really “running away” but made the leap from seeing the backpack in his room to the bus stop as a good way to get out of his time-out because he knows daddy takes a backpack to the bus stop each day.) 

Pace calls my iPhone the “iMoan” – I thought only Apple fanboys called it that! 

When Shea picked him up at daycare the other day and he was playing on a toy kitchen set, she asked him what he was making and he replied “Make supper!”  (Ambitious kid!) 

Of all the words that Pace could mis-pronounce to sound like swear words, I never thought it would be “pumpkin” that would have me racing around the corner ready to wash his mouth out with soap! (Use your imagination!  

Tonight, I was putting him to sleep and said “Good-night, Pace-man!” to which he replied, “Good-night, dad-man!”

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