Music Monday – "Snow's so merciless/Poor old Montreal/In spite of everything that's happened/In spite of it all"

Time to break out the long-neglected “CLA Conference” tag.  Just got word today that I was approved to go to this year's CLA conference in Montreal at the end of May! 

I'm especially happy about this because I'd had a feeler extended to see if I'd be coming to the conference and available to sit in on a panel that the Emerging Technologies interest group is doing.  So now I'll be able to participate in that as part of my conference experience too. 

I know this song was written in response to the Ecole Polytechnique shootings but I'm posting it as my Music Monday clip mainly because the title's relevant (well, the presumed title – the Tragically Hip never officially released this song so it was usually identified as “Montreal” (or occasionally “Don't You Worry”) in tape trader circles back in the day)…

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