Correction to My Correction: Dwain Lingenfelter's Google Map *Is* Misleading (Just Not In The Way I Thought It Was)

I guess if I'm doing corrections, I should make sure I use precise language.  Correcting myself that Dwain Lingenfelter's Google Maps mash-up isn't misleading isn't entirely accurate either.  It *is* misleading, just not in the way that I said it was. 

It's not misleading in that it contains information about non-existent events as I originally thought.  But it *is* misleading in that the map has poor usability and is potentially confusing for users – an issue that could have consequences for the Lingenfelter campaign.  At the least, visitors to his  campaign web site may click on the wrong spot on the map and think there's no event in their community, just a placeholder push pin (even when there is an event.)  At the worst, they may make the same mistake I did and think that there are a lot less events happening than appears to be and think there is something fishy going on.

On another note, Kent has replied to my correction saying I should delete the post.  That's not something I believe in and it's not going to happen.  I posted what I posted, when I was corrected, I admitted that I made a mistake. But the record of these events should remain for a couple reasons.

I stand by the rest of my criticisms in that post and also think it's important to see the response that my post engendered from him.  In all of our back and forth – and there's been a lot as I can't post a comment without getting yet another response from Kent – I have never resorted to personal attacks or questioning his motives. 

In my last post, for whatever reason, Kent has stooped to the level of calling me Karl Rove – a pretty extreme attack for what was an honest mistake.

As I said, I still stand by my other criticisms of some of the things Lingenfelter is doing online.  I have claimed that, to me, this appears to just be moving “politics as usual” online and I would also say that deleting a post to whitewash something that's happened is also “politics as usual” – and also shows that Kent doesn't understand quite how the internet works.  The moment I hit “post” on my blog, the content goes out to Google and dozens of other sites/readers/subscribers/etc. and is impossible to “delete”, even if that's something I was inclined to do.

Kent, since I know you're reading this, here's my challenge.  I did a legitimate list giving five reasons I thought Dwain Lingenfelter would make the best leader for the Saskatchewan NDP.  Can you do a similar list for Ryan Meili? 

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