Jason's Birthday Movies

Somewhere along the line, Shea and I began a tradition of me going to a movie on my birthday.  With one notable exception on the following list, I've enjoyed having a birthday right in the heart of summer blockbuster season ever since!

2001 – Cats & Dogs (I picked “Jurassic Park III” as my inaugural birthday movie during our first summer in Calgary but Shea thought it would be stupid and/or scary so I ended up going to a movie with talking dogs.  And talking cats.  And frankly, I'm surprised the tradition made it to year two, let alone is still going nearly a decade later!)
2002 – Austin Powers III
2003 – (can't remember)
2004 – Spiderman II
2005 – Batman Begins
2006 –  An Inconvenient Truth (I wasn't going to a lot of movies while I was doing my Masters but this is one I was pretty excited to see and I know we went in summer 2006 so let's call it my birthday movie for that year.)
2007 – The Simpsons Movie
2008 – The Dark Knight

Not only am I as pumped for The Dark Knight as I've been since such mega-films as Spiderman The First and Star Wars the Third (or Sixth depending on your counting), Batman the Second/Sixth will be only the second movie Shea and I have seen in a theatre since…The Simpsons Movie at this time last year!  Grandpa and Grandma Hammond are coming in to Regina to babysit so we might even do <gasp> supper AND a movie!  Romance, baby!

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