Kiva is a web site that helps facilitate micro-credit loans to entrepreneurs around the world.   (As always, Wikipedia has more information about this organization if you're interested.)

Shea got a Kiva gift certificate as a Mother's Day Gift and is helping two people:  Ruth Celenia Santana Morales who sells clothes and jewelery in the Dominican Republic and Umedjon Nurov who raises beef cattle in Tajikistan.  One of the coolest things about the site is that once the loan is repaid (the loans have a 99.7% repayment rate) you can either withdraw it or turn around and loan it to someone else.

I first heard about Kiva via the Bill Clinton book, Giving: How Each of Us Can Change The World.  There are  various other organizations out there that are similar to Kiva but which have different approaches and cater to different needs, groups, countries and so on.  Heifer International is one I heard about via Cenobyte for example. 

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