Most Progressive Professions?

There's a range within any profession of course (I knew an emerging writer in Alberta who wanted to run for the Canadian Alliance) but since librarians are one group that, for the most part, tends towards the progressive side of the spectrum, I was wondering which other groups/professions fit this criteria where the large majority of their members would be considered progressive/liberal/enlightened/lefty/socialist in their attitudes and approach to life?  

Right at the top of the list, I'd put artists (writers, musicians, actors, dancers, etc.) as a fairly obvious choice.

University professors are another group that's often cited as being very progressive in general.

Librarians are right up there as I mentioned (I can't remember where I saw it but I think there was a report showing professors donated 10:1 for John Kerry over GW Bush in the 2004 election but librarians donated 100:1 for Kerry.)

Journalists probably fit here as well.  (What's the line – “yes, there's a liberal bias in the media.  Unfortunately, there's a conservative bias the boardroom above them.”)

And the whole reason I thought of making this list is there's a group that doesn't spring to mind as a progressive profession but increasingly, are at the forefront of a a lot of positive social changes.

Conversely, which professions are the most conservative in general?  Business people. Politicians (I'd argue that even the ones belonging to progressive parties are often fairly conservative just because of the bureaucratic structure within which politics works.)  Although there are some brilliant exceptions, I think I'd put teachers in this category as well. 

And finally, which professions are nearly evenly split?  Doctors.  Farmers. Bloggers.

Who'd I miss?

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