69/100 – My Web site's Grade Is Equal to My Grade Nine French Mark

WebSite Grade For https://headtale.com : 69/100 (overall)

A website grade of 69 for https://headtale.com
means that of the thousands of websites that have previously been
submitted to the tool, our algorithm has calculated that this site
scores higher than 69% of them in terms of its marketing effectiveness.
The algorithm uses a proprietary blend of over a dozen different
variables, including search engine data, website structure, approximate
traffic, site performance, and others.
The software is constantly being upgraded and the algorithm enhanced. The number of potential
recommendations provided by the tool is also increasing frequently. Please check back often.

The site doesn't allow you to link directly to a report so if you want to see the full details about what's good (and not so good) about my blog, go to the site I linked to at the top of this post and enter my blog's URL.

(via Citadel of the Blogs – consistently the best source of interesting links of any blog I read.  Check it out!)

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