And The Spirit of Librarianship – Fall 2006 – Goes To…

…Lindsay Holdsworth.  Congrats to probably the biggest volunteer in the entire MLIS program.  (I know she makes my head spin, just watching what she's involved with.) 

Kathleen C. took some abuse tonight for breaking the “Spirit of Peer Mentorship” chain that led from Sabina to me to her.  (The first two won the award, Kathleen allegedly broke the chain.) 

But upon further reflection, we realised the chain was connected by nominators, not peer mentors.  Sabina was my peer mentor but she also nominated me for the award.  Then I nominated Lindsay.  So that's the real Skull & Bones connection of the award.  (We won't mention my summer nomination who didn't come through with the SoL victory nor the fact that, although of course we were both deserving, Lindsay and I each happened to win in a term where no one else from our cohort was nominated to split the vote.

I'll have photos just as soon as I can figure out how to get my digital camera to talk to my computer.  (Sometimes, they're like an old married couple on the step giving each other the silent treatment.)

Classmate of the Day: Jeremie LeBlanc for offering a ride to Molly Bloom's tonight after the summer cohort finished their final 506 class and then a ride home afterwards.  Had a good visit with lots of students from summer term plus a couple grads who showed up as well. 

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