Daily Archives Monday, October 2006

Google Buys YouTube

There were a lot of suitors in the mix for this inevitability but in the end, I think Google's the best fit.  Will be interesting to see how this develops from here.  I think part of the reason Big Media never went after YouTube was that it didn't have a lot of capital – why […]

What Library Schools Still Aren't Teaching Us – Jess Nevins

If you haven't come across the book, “Revolting Librarians Redux” yet, you really owe it to yourself to pick up a copy.  It's got a huge range of essays (plus poems, cartoons and more) on all manner of library-related topics.  If nothing else, the Appendix linking different types of librarians to their star signs is […]

Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.

I told my in-laws about this blog and now I know that my mother-in-law is reading on a regular basis.  So I thought I'd do an entry dedicated to her and my father-in-law.  They're part-owners of a herd of buffalo in Saskatchewan so I thought this riddle is fitting.  The sentence listed in the title […]