Return of the MLIS Coffee House

Got this from Iona Henderson and wanted to pass it along as a way to encourage people to participate.  The Coffee House was a lot of fun last semester (the picture of Linda from my “Rock Star Librarian” post was taken at the Coffee House) plus your attendance helps support Student Council financially.  

Hey everybody!


Student Council is pleased to announce that the Coffee House is back.


This is an event where you get to show off those “special talents” you’ve been hiding behind tons of schoolwork.


include singing, playing an instrument, reading poetry or jokes, air
band or simply air guitar, interpretive dance, … basically anything you
feel comfortable doing in front of other people. Not to worry, there is
a licensed bar, so plenty of liquid courage to make you do things you
may regret.


event will be taking place in mid-November at the London Music Club,
and this is notification to get you thinking about fun stuff to do.


If you have any questions or would like to submit your name as one of the performers, please email me at


Thanks! Iona

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