The Quintessential Montreal Food Day

Had a croissant for breakfast (okay, it was a muffin but I've got a theme developing so work with me here.)

Schwartz's Smoked Meat

sandwich for lunch.  Some people had suggested you can avoid the
lines and go to any other smoked meat sandwich shop for a similar taste
and experience but to me, that would be like going to Paris and
stopping into a comic book store because you don't want to face the
lines at The Louvre.  The line wasn't too bad (we purposely went
in mid-afternoon thinking it might not be as busy at a non-meal time)
and we even managed to get two seats at the counter in the otherwise
packed deli.  And if you're going to eat at a deli, where else
would you want to sit?

Poutine from
Banquise for supper (I had the “Dan Dan” which is poutine with bacon,
sausage and fried onions.  Out west, we think of regular poutine
as unhealthy but these guys have invented 22 ways to make it more
deadly.  Thankfully Shea's a cardiac nurse as I suspect I may need a
defibrillator to wake up tomorrow.)

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